PureScript GADTs Alternative - Recap
GADTs ("Generalized Algebraic Data Types") provide an explicit instantiation of the ADT as the type instantiation of their return value. This gives you power to define type safe data structures with more advanced type behavior. Unfortunately, in the time of this post, latest version or PureScript (0.12) hasn't supported GADTs yet.
However, we can overcome the limit with alternative methods. This post is just a recap from what I researched.
The Problem
With GADTs extension, we could write a little eDSL for arithmetic and comparison expressions something like this:
data Expr a where
Val :: Int -> Expr Int
Add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Mult :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Equal :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Bool
Not :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (Mult x y) = eval x * eval y
eval (Equal x y) = eval x == eval y
eval (Not x) = not (eval x)
Without GADTs it seems like this eval function would be impossible to write, since we wouldn’t have the information to determine the result type that matching on a data constructor of a GADT gives us.
Leibniz equality
This is recap from Approximating GADTs in PureScript
Two types are equal if they are equal in all contexts.
The solution
We can’t directly encode type equalities using the type system in PureScript, but we can take advantage of “Leibniz equality” and encode it in a value instead:
newtype Leibniz a b = Leibniz (forall f. f a -> f b)
infix 4 type Leibniz as ~
symm :: forall a b. (a ~ b) -> (b ~ a)
symm = ...
coerce :: forall a b. (a ~ b) -> a -> b
coerce = ...
(a ~ b)
is a Leibniz value, with a
is a variable that is identical with some type b
. This allows us to coerce
one type to another.
The symm
function is used when we have a type equality that we need to “turn around” so that we can coerce in either direction based on a provided Leibniz value. This is possible thanks to the fact that equality relations are symmetric (for every a and b, if a = b then b = a), and is where the name symm
comes from.
Go back to the example. In the GADT-defined Expr, the final part of the type annotation for each data constructor, ... -> Expr SomeType, is essentially saying “a ~ SomeType for this constructor”.
When a constructor of a GADT is pattern-matched, the type-checker gains knowledge of this equality and then lets us return a value of the appropriate type, rather than being stuck with the rigid type variable a.
data Expr a
= Add (Expr Int) (Expr Int) (a ~ Int)
| Mult (Expr Int) (Expr Int) (a ~ Int)
| Equal (Expr Int) (Expr Int) (a ~ Boolean)
| Not (Expr Boolean) (a ~ Boolean)
| Val Int (a ~ Int)
We can now write eval
using the coerce
function to safely cast the result type back to a in each case:
coerceSymm :: forall a b. (a ~ b) -> b -> a
coerceSymm = coerce <<< symm
eval :: forall a. Expr a -> a
eval (Val x proof) = coerceSymm proof x
eval (Add x y proof) = coerceSymm proof (eval x + eval y)
eval (Mult x y proof) = coerceSymm proof (eval x * eval y)
eval (Equal x y proof) = coerceSymm proof (eval x == eval y)
eval (Not x proof) = coerceSymm proof (not (eval x))
The only thing we haven’t covered is how to actually construct a Leibniz value in the first place. What possible function could we provide that satisfies forall f. f a -> f b
where a
equals b
? The identity function! Leibniz also has a Category instance, so actually we can just use identity
val :: Int -> Expr Int
val x = Val x identity
add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
add x y = Add x y identity
mult :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
mult x y = Mult x y identity
equal :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Boolean
equal x y = Equal x y identity
not :: Expr Boolean -> Expr Boolean
not x = Not x identity
And finally, we can run our original example cases again:
> eval (not (equal (mult (val 10) (val 1)) (add (val 0) (val 1))))
As the title of original post, Gary Burgess called it Approximating GADTs
. This method can't solve all cases, especially in more complicated eDSLs. For example in polymorphism rank N-type DSL:
data Expr a where
Val :: Int -> Expr Int
Lambda :: (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Expr a -> Expr b)
Apply :: Expr (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr a -> Expr b
Add :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Since PureScript doesn't support existential types in AST, this method is useless.
data ExprL a = Val Int (a ~ Int)
| Add (ExprL Int) (ExprL Int) (a ~ Int)
| Lambda (ExprL b -> ExprL c) (a ~ (ExprL b -> ExprL c)) -- can't define existential type
| Apply (forall b c. ExprL (ExprL b -> ExprL c)) (forall b. ExprL b) (forall c. a ~ c) -- nope
Tagless Final comes to rescue
In the final approach, object language terms are represented as expressions built from a small set of combinators, which are ordinary functions rather than data constructors. The values of these expressions give denotations of the corresponding object terms. An object term is hence represented not by its abstract syntax but by its denotation in a semantic domain. Abstracting over the domain gives us a family of interpretations. Typed Tagless Final Interpreters - Oleg Kiselyov
The solution
In Tagless Final approach, instead of declaring AST data type directly, we use type class as a set of operations:
class LambdaSym repr where
val :: Int -> repr Int
lambda :: forall a b. (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)
apply :: forall a b. repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> repr b
add :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
It accepts all interpreters that implement those operations
data R a = R a
eval :: forall a. R a -> a
eval (R a) = a
instance lambdaSymmR :: LambdaSym R where
val a = R a
lambda f = R (\a -> unR $ f (R a))
apply (R f) (R a) = R (f a)
add (R x) (R y) = R $ x + y
The syntax is similar to Leibniz approach
testR :: forall repr. LambdaSym repr => repr Int
testR = apply (lambda (\x -> add (val x) (val x))) (val 10)
result :: Int
result = eval testR
Tagless Final has more advantages than GADTs and Leibniz approaches:
- Flexible, easy to extend the language with new operations.
- Easier to implement
- Requires less boilerplate.
- Combine different parts of the DSL very easily, without change the existed code
class MultiplySymm repr where
mult :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
testR' :: forall repr. LambdaSym repr => MultiplySymm repr => repr Int
testR' = apply (lambda (\x -> mult x x)) (val 10)
From what I researched, because Haskell hasn't supported impredicative polymorphism. That means that we can’t specialize an existing data type to hold a polymorphic value like this:
Maybe (LambdaSym repr => repr Int)
Fortunately, PureScript support impredicative polymorphism. We no need to worry about it.
type L = forall repr. Maybe (LambdaSym repr => repr Int)
testR':: L
testR' = Nothing
Compared to Leibniz, or even GADTs, Tagless Final style has many advantage as well as easy to grasp. It is wide adoption in functional programming world. Tagless Final style is a good alternative to GADTs